From Root to Fruit – Coconuts Are All About Sustainability

From Root to Fruit – Coconuts Are All About Sustainability

When you think of coconut trees, one of the first images that come to mind is of a balmy beach lined up with tall palms whose green leaves rustle to the tune of the ocean breeze. However, coconut trees go far beyond being just a tropical emblem.

Every part of the coconut palm is put to use in some way or the other, leaving little to no room for waste. No wonder it is called ‘the tree of life’. With a range of benefits and uses, here’s how the coconut tree proves to be a valuable and sustainable resource:


Coconut Water:

Hydrating and refreshing, tender coconut water is packed with nutrients and electrolytes. Its antioxidant properties keep you fit and also help you overcome a bad hangover. From regulating your sugar level to controlling your blood pressure, drinking coconut water regularly has prolonged health benefits.


Coconut Meat:

The perfect combination of fats and fibre, coconut meat is an excellent source of energy that satiates hunger and improves digestion. Most of its high fibre content is insoluble, making you feel full and preventing you from overeating. No wonder, coconut meat is known to aid weight loss.


Coconut Nectar:

Naturally sweet and certainly healthy, coconut nectar is a brilliant substitute for refined sugar. In addition to its distinct sweetness, the nectar syrup is loaded with minerals like potassium, magnesium, zinc and iron. Whether you’re trying to eat healthy or combating diabetes, swapping your sugar with coconut nectar is the way to go.


Coconut Husk and Shell:

While all of the above are nutrient-dense ingredients for your consumption, the coconut’s husk and shell make themselves useful for non-culinary purposes. Coir, a natural fibre extracted from a coconut’s outer husk, is used to make durable rugs, doormats, sacks and ropes. The shell, on the other hand, is used to produce activated charcoal. It is also used to make briquettes, a block of compressed coal dust used as fuel. 


Sustainable Coconut Farming:

We now know how every part of a coconut serves a distinct purpose, making it wholly eco-friendly. But it is the farming practices that have to uphold the same sense of sustainability. At Copra Coconuts, our focus is to support smallholder farmers and prize quality over quantity. Our farmers are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to look after organic farms and protect their natural integrity. Each of our products represents our commitment towards you, our farmers and our planet.



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